I have been mulling around my mind my next online experiment. Since my first experience on the internet I have always been fixated on how the instant gratification of sharing and connecting with people around the globe will change the world we live in forever.
My first experiment was my personal web space I called "Ah-Wake'n" where I shared my family photos, my hobbies, and my experiences. This led me to start my first real website, www.themud.com that was sparked by the interest people had in my photography of the Foster Mud flat event held here in Oregon. My interest in the "Mud Fest" never grew as large as the vistors and fans of my site, leading me to turn over the site to the event founders, for use in promoting and serving the event better than what I could provide. Now I find myself without a website, and without an outlet for my photography and opinions.
Ben's Viewpoint will be a temporary hang out for my ideas and imagery so enjoy and feel free to leave me your viewpoints, as without them, I would be talking to myself.