Saturday, November 27, 2010

PDX Car Bomb Plot Should Raise Questions

When Mohamed Osman Mohamud walked away from his car bomb to detonate it using a cell phone, what if a Portland police officer who was not in on the sting tried to act? Portland has been plagued with public outcry over police shootings and the atmosphere surrounding the the use of deadly force makes officers question themselves before they act. If an officer had reason to believe there was a threat I would hope he would act without restraint to protect the innocent lives. Unfortunately, the likes of Jessie Jackson and Police Chief Mike Reese create a real threat when they punish officers for taking action to protect the public.

Portland Police Chief Mike Reese fired Officer Ronald Frashour for the fatal shooting of a suicidal man who failed to follow police instructions. Although the man was later found to be unarmed, repeated requests to stand down, and the initial shooting of non lethal rounds also failed to stop the suspect. Aaron M. Campbell was killed and Rev. Jessie Jackson stepped into the media spotlight to further prosecute the Portland cop and make a national sensation of the situation.

Fast-forward to Friday night, during the November 26th Portland tree lighting ceremony and think about who you have running your Police department. The leadership will fire officers for using deadly force, and here you had a potential situation where an unarmed man had the intent to kill 1000's of innocent lives.

Fortunately this situation was all a sting, the explosives were fake, and the FBI had control of the situation. Remember Portland withdrew from the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force in 2005. God help us if we need to rely on Mayor Sam Adam's leadership or Police Chief Mike Reese for protection in any future attempt.

A big thanks to the FBI for catching this terrorist, but as for your fearless Portland leader, don't worry, he is on the Q-Patrol,

Friday, November 26, 2010

New EPA Disinformation Stickers

The Environmental Protection Agency is now propping up it's car company, GM with new fuel rating stickers to convince consumers that Hybrid and Electric cars will save the planet.
With a 37% government stake in GM, is this not a a conflict of interest? Why allow the EPA to be the credible source for fuel efficiency data on a company the government holds a large share?

Notice how they use a 60MPG claim when doing a comparison to "compact cars" yet this 60MPG economy rating is a composite of using a plug in charging source, and not purely gallons of fuel. This is totally bias and an unfair comparison to real world economic measures, especially when considering how there are little to NO all electric or plug in charging vehicles on the road.

The real numbers are the tiny energy cost numbers in the lower right. When you compare the "Never Charge" numbers you only get 9 cents per mile. An economy diesel fuel vehicle will cost you between 6 and 8 cents per mile depending on the price diesel of fuel in your area.

What is sad about this farce is they want you to be environmentally conscious but fail to inform you that the majority of electricity in this country is produced by burning coal. The EPA won't promote diesel engines because they want you to believe the are a bigger pollutant, but when you calculate the extra miles you go on a gallon of diesel it actually pollutes less than gas.

The other major flaw in this EPA sticker is the price per uses 11 cents per kilowatt hour and $3.20 per gallon of gas. At the time of this post, the US average kWh is 12 cents and the gas price is less than $2.87 per gallon. This EPA sticker grossly mis-represents both energy costs to favor the electric vehicle. If you live in CA you will pay 15 cents per kWh to charge yet only 3.14 for a gallon of gas. New Yorkers will pay 19 cents for each kWh of power, yet only $3.00 for a gallon of regular gas. Worse yet, they show a cost per year if you use the car exclusively Electric OR Gas further swinging the bias of this sticker. How can they reliably publish this information considering the volatile energy market and regional differences in cost?

Now consider that Obama hopes to electric rates "necessarily skyrocket" and his administration supports banning oil drilling and exploration, no matter what you use to power your car you will be paying more than ever before. Obama has no interest in america's energy independence, but is more focused than ever on killing any effort to develop domestic oil supplies. What does you car run on? What can you afford to buy? At a $41,000 price tag, I won't be buying a "VOLT" any time soon.

Don't get fooled folks, until we get serious about developing affordable energy supplies, it won't matter if your car runs on hopes or dreams, it will cost you plenty.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Mr. K's Doomsday Plan

"Create the fundamental conditions for long-term job creation and prosperity. Achieving these conditions will require transformational changes in a number of major systems including education, public finance, health care and energy."

If I understand this correctly he will create jobs simply by "Changing" our education, "PUBLIC" finance, health care and energy systems? Since when did ANY of these systems create substantial job growth or reverse economic recessions? Were DOOMED!

John Kitzhaber's "Actions"

"Create Access to Capital" Isn't that what the Obama stimulus and bank bailouts were for? More loans and debts for business will not create jobs. Cutting taxes, red tape, and eliminating bureaucratic roadblocks will.

"Promote Energy Efficiency" How does this create jobs in Oregon? Will someone explain this to me? Sure saving energy saves money, but not when the global warming mafia will then tax your use of energy to off set any savings you may gain.

"Connect Oregonians to work through training for high demand jobs." What does that mean? Is that even a sentence? I had to click through his website to figure it out.Mr K will get out-of-work Oregonians, specifically those in the construction trade to learn how to do commercial insulation and weatherization work, build windmills and install solar panels. Some may become nurses and Dr's too because you know the health care industry will need all those unemployed people after they complete their 8 years of training.

I have to hold back my urge to use profanity as I read the Kitzhaber plan for Economic Prosperity. We are DOOMED, if we don't get this state off the backs of the small business. I am still in shock that this election was decided by Multnomah and Lane counties. Even more disappointing is how so many don't understand how continuing these business hostile policies do nothing but kill jobs and stifle economic growth.

Those of you unemployed, or underemployed, better jump on one of John's job programs soon. There are nearly 400,000 unemployed Oregonians that will be looking to John for a job thinning forests, something tells me those jobs will go quickly.

If your suffering like me from lack of inspiration, read his plan for yourself. I did because were now stuck with him, I want to know what to expect. As I feared, my it is worse than I originally thought.