Monday, January 16, 2006

Google Search Know How

If you visit Google Help Center and read all the info you will surely be overwhelmed. Google helps me in my job daily from converting square feet to square yards using google calculator, or locating a competitors home floor plan that one of our customers want us to build. Google is the Get-R-done for geeks.

Now the following is for the search know nothing, and I post this because I am surprised how many people can benifit from the folowing tip. Start short for more, then add more to get less. Did you get that? When you search for, say a 1972 Green Ford Pinto, on google image search, start with 1972 Ford then add Pinto, and then add Green as you will see if you click on each example, the result filters down from 7140 results down to 8 when you get more specific... BUT if you had started with something like: 1972 Ford Pinto Convertible you would have ended up with ZIPPO and been discouraged. See we worked our way down to the 8 green pinto's and obviously none were convertibles, so why throw in another useless word?

Enough for today, I have to see a man about a hot deal on a classic Pinto Wagon... Later!

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