Friday, September 08, 2006

No Votes for Dopes

Every election year the “get the vote out” crowd starts the door knocking, public service announcements, and voter registration drives. Remember P-Ditty’s “Vote or Die” campaign? While on one hand I am a true believer in our democratic process, the other hand, my stronger and more dominant “right” hand holds the reality that some people are just too stupid to be allowed to make such an important decision. If you know what’s at stake, and want your voice to be heard, get out there and vote.

Lets for the moment imagine a mental hospital had a democratic process to elect the hospital administrator. Do you think if the patients were permitted to vote for the administration they would choose the candidate that would run the hospital in the most safe and efficient manner, or the one who promised extra Jello® for lunch?

Keeping this little story in mind, now lets look at what candidate is offering the jello and what candidate is offering national security and government efficiency. If your choice happens to be a democrat, then you might consider a mental health check up.

Just a tip.

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