Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Why is the media so quick to publish personal attacks on Sarah Palin & allow the democrats to blame the current financial crisis squarely on the republicans when they have been in control of the congress for the last two years?
The only explanation is media bias.

Here is 10 underexploited scandals regarding Obama, that rarely get mainstream press:

  1. Obama-Rezko
  2. Obama's Red Mentor
  3. Obama-Fannie Mae Money
  4. Fannie Mae Thanks Obama
  5. Obama-Fannie Mae Executives
  6. Obama ACORN Connection
  7. Obama's Pastor
  8. Obama on Redistricting
  9. Obama Farrakhan Connection
  10. Obama's Buddy Ayres
Obama should just suspend his campaign and let the media take over. John McCain should also grow a pair and start hitting harder. His handlers are playing hopscotch while Obama is playing hardball.

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