Monday, September 22, 2008

Watch Obama Spin

Unfortunately, the Republican party does a poor job of communicating their messages, and an even worse job of balancing the platform of smaller government while not looking like it is in favor of an unregulated and out of control wall street.

On the other side, Obama is going to have to continue to spin into dizzy circles to avoid the facts that surround the current securities debacle that is stemming from the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Now he is really going to have to raise our taxes to pay for that mess!

The news site has published a direct connection with the current crisis and the Democratic block on congressional reforms. As if the fact that his campaign contacted Franklin Raines seeking housing and economic advise for his campaign wasn't telling enough, it is now shown that Obama is in the top 3 recipients of campaign money from the mortgage companies.

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