Monday, November 24, 2008

Daddies Still Swinging

This weekend I took my kids to see the Daddies play in Eugene at the WOW hall. This was the first time Karmann & Isaiah had been to see them. I have taken Nathan before, I think as young as 8 years old if the venue was accommodating to kids. As is normal in Eugene there were several abnormal encounters that made the trip memorable. First there was a drunk guy who was very friendly and talkative while we were waiting in line at the door, and was eager to share the story of how he found some sh*t at the door and it smelled like diesel fuel. He proceeded to inform us that he saved the place my removing the potentially flaming poo, and it was a good thing because it could have exploded. Once we were allowed entry we enjoyed the opening acts The Bad Mitten Orchestre & Vagabond Opera both were extremely entertaining, and loadded with talent. During the show we were frequently distracted by harmonica woman, who was fevereshly blowing on two harmonicas alternately during every performance. She would forcably push here way to the front of the stage and attempt to sit on stage as if she were part of the band. A few times she even stood on stage or sat near the the edge of the stage until being asked to get down. Vagabond Opera even gave her props for adding to the experience, but I found her rude unsolicitated addtion to be annoying. Regardless as always the Daddies delivered a energy filled performance and I am looking forward to there next appearance in Feburary.
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An Urban Femme said...

Wow! What hell, Harmonica Lady? I think she's been to a couple of concerts I've been to as well! Strange. I guess there is no telling when it comes to people who convince themselves that - if the fans had known - the fans would have paid to see them instead.

Glad you had a good time! I love the WOW.

deidre said...

Wow. A narrow miss from a flaming poo, AND Rude Annoying Harmonica Lady?? Glad you and your tykes had a good time ANYWAY.

Took my son to a Moody Blues concert. He was riveted by all the lights, sounds and people. It was outside in NC..

Fun blog, dude. A little birdy in Portand told me to come check out your blogs. Yep. My sis. Got to love familial manipulation..

Have a good one. Watch out for stalking harmonicas. They're the worst!!