Thursday, November 06, 2008

Surplus Electricity Good, WRONG

So here it begins... All those wind farms are now starting to make a noticeable difference in our electrical supply in the Pacific Northwest. It seems that unexpected surges in wind production mean other forms of power production must slow down or the green energy is all for not.

Here's the rub, see normally in a free market, higher supply than demand means we the consumer realize lower prices. Right? Wrong! Here in the socialist republic of Oregon it seems the solution is cut hydro production by dumping dam water or subsidizing carbon producing power generatoin so the coal and natural gas power plants don't go out of business.

Nice, So all these customers who invested in higher rates to help build a wind farm now get to subsidize the coal plants.

This is another reason why Nuclear is the key. No carbon, no salmon impact, minimal landscape impact. But not with this adminstration. No way.

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