Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hugo Enacts 'Fairness Doctrine'

Good'ole Hugo Chavez has squelched opposition by shutting down the only remaining media outlet in Venezuela that has dared to broadcast any views in oppossion to his socialist agenda. While Hollywood usually prefers freedom of ideas, Actor/Director Danny Glover sees things differently, especially when he can play movie mogel with some of the oil money recenty prvided by Hugo to produce a film promoting Venezuela. Let me predict the next big actor turned producer/director will be Sean Penn as he films a movie for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about american agression in the middle east. This type of censorship is one step from the Fairness Doctrine current liberals are trying to re-enact in congress now that the 'progressive' liberal mouthpiece Air-America went bankrupt. Since nobody will listen to liberals they want to be sure conservatives can't be heard ither. Diversity of culture: GOOD, Diversity of political opinion: BAD

Wednesday, May 09, 2007