Friday, February 17, 2006

Air Travel

I rarely fly, when I do, it facinates me to watch the people. Business people will sit on the floor to get a plug-in for their laptop and work while waiting. Kids will be running up and down the concourse while frantic parents struggle to control both the children and thier baggage, and lastly there is the lines to board the plane.

Southwest flights are the most intresting of them all. Seats are first come first serve, and passengers are grouped by A,B,C to determine boarding order in three groups. Group A travelers will squat at the gate to be the first to enter the plane, even using luggage as make shift lounge chairs. Group B passengers are usually envious of the A passengers, and can be the most grumpy and unruley. The C crowd, are a mix of the clueless and carefree.

I like to print my boarding pass online, as soon as possible just to get it out of the way, and that usually places me in the A crowd, but just to piss off the B's & C's, I lay low, on the opposite side of the concourse, and swoop in the end of the "A" line just as they enter the plane. Gotta run! Time to board!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Have you ever noticed the different types of travellers and the way they dress?

1.) The Ultimate Drunk, Never-Gonna-Grow-Up Frat Boys. Appearance: Alma Mater sweatshirt
Statement: If Found Drunk, Please Return to (insert Alma Mater).

2.) Lovey and Thurston out for a stroll.
Appearance: Overdressed, sport coat and ascot
Statement: "I hope the Limo is ontime!"

3.) Pajama Girls.
Appearance: Usually way-too-old to be wearing PJ's in public. Hair-pulled back like 'I-dont-care-how-I-look-its-too-early-to-be-awake'.
Statement: DONT LOOK AT ME!!

4.) Tropical Cruisers.
Appearance: Wearing shorts, sandals and tank tops BEFORE they arrive at their tropical locale, even though they LEFT FROM BUFFALO!!!
Statement: I work a 60 hour week, I get 5 days off per year and I am starting my vacation NOW!!!

5.) Harried Executive/Roadwarrior.
Appearance: Khakis, polo, everpresent bluetooth-android earpiece glowing blue from their ear and a 70lb laptop slowly tearing their rotator cuff.
Statement: I GOT BILLS TO PAY!!!

Well, those are the observations of a dyed-in-the-wool business traveller (Sans bluetooth earpiece, forget the polo and swapped my laptop for a tiny little Blackberry on Chiropractic advice)

- Scott