Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Girlizzly Man

The Discovery Channel gets me hooked on some of the most interesting shows. Friday there was a show about Timothy Treadwell, a guy who studied, and protected the grizzly bear in the Alaskan wilderness. While watching, I have to say I was very dissapointed. Tim was less than "grizzly", in fact, for a moment, I thought I had turned to queer eye for the outdoor guy! Regardless I couldn't help but watch as this flamingly-femmy naturalist, is playing closer and closer to these wild and enormous grizzly bear. It was sort of like america's funniest video's meets wild kingdom, and your just waiting to see somebody get hurt. Well to make a long story short, he is not gay(not that there's anything wrong with that), he just wishes he was, and then he takes his girlfriend to visit his new bear friends and they both get eaten. THE END. Oh, I almost forgot... speaking of dragging women to Alaska, here is a a video I wanted to embed into this post, but unfortunately my computer skilz are not worthy. click on the link to watch the news report on how a small Alaskan town is working to restore an out of balance male to female ratio that is common in Alaska. My Uncle Mark sent this to me and I am sure you will find it more educational than Discovery's "Grizzly Man" documentary.

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