Monday, February 27, 2006

Rubber Meets The Road

New tires are my 2nd least favorite thing to buy, right after a root-canal. As I listen to the tire guy explain the features of the big black chunks of rubber he is going stick on my vehicle I can't get too excited. It might be due to the fact that I sell homes for a living, and I am a comparison shopper for various gadgets that leads me to expect a long list of features and benefits. After asking all sorts of questions like how will these affect my milage? Will these be better in snow or rain? How many miles will I get on these? The answers are faugue and of little variance. Basically I am going to drop one "Benjamin" per corner to drive another year or two, and I am supposed to be excited about it. When I drive off, I feel like I just left the dentists office too, violated, and don't really notice a difference besides a bad taste in my mouth. Hopfully at least these new tires won' t leave me stuck at Crater Lake like the new ones that came with the SUV! Posted by Picasa

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