Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Media Bias of the Day

Have you heard about media bias? Air America, the left wing talk radio station would like you to believe it is biased to the right, but most American's know better.

A screaming example I found this evening when I wanted to read the facts on the recently declassifed report that indicated over 500 chemical munitions had been discovered in Iraq since 2003. Did you get that? Yes those would be those pesky WMD's apparently the news only remembers when they provide free publicity to the "Bush lied, people died" crowd.

This might be the first you have heard of this report because I couldn't find it on any of the major news portal websites, not on the AP webiste, not Reuters, not ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and of course not on CNN. If I was fair (Don't claim to be) I would link to the sites for you, but I would prefer you visit Fox News, because they are the only news source with enough integrity to tell the whole story. See in todays world there are severl kinds of truths: (a) partial truth (b) convienient truth and (c) the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Unfortunatley you won't find (c) from the typical media sources, that would be self defeating.

Enjoy these screenshots as my token of the whole truth, click to enlarge and see for yourself how the alphabet news stations would rather report on troops being charged with crimes and poor Sadam's hunger strike, than the tons of chemical weapons we found. Thankfully he didn't have a chance to dump more of them on the Kirdish people before we blew his ass off the throne. (Another quick note, notice how CBS puts the blame for the recent Iraqi violence on the US for killing the Zarqawi, we should have just left him alone on his beheadding spree I guess)


Jon said...

pretty bland report. does not tell any truth about anything. what are the 500 munitions? and the potential loss of life these 500 munitions could do? they could just be junk containers that are unlabled and unfit for use. who the hell knows? sorry ben. I agree with you about the network news is messed up. but i have to add pretty much all news channels are f-ed up in their reporting. public will never understand any truth.

WBbenny said...

I think even 1 sarin gas munition could ruin you day. The media always fails to report the truth or the facts. If your neighborhood was bad enough you and your trusted neighbor needed a gun, would you provide him with one? Most likely, to protect his home, and hopefully if needed yours as well. Now lets say this neighbor has a breakdown and kills his family with this gun, now do you send someone to get the gun you know he has, or hope he disposed of it volentarily like he said and just hope a bullet doesn't come your way. I'd go look for the gun, with my guns blazing.