Sunday, October 26, 2008

Media Handicap

Sport are not my bag, but I know that when you play against an unfair advantage the underdog is often granted a handicap to even the playing field. Well in this spirit, the election should provide a handicap to McCain for the unfair press coverage his campaign has received in comparison with the favorable media coverage of the messiah Obama. has published a non partisan study on the press coverage of the presidential campaign and has proven what has been known all along, that Obama's biggest endorsements have come from the major media outlets themselves. With this in mind and the 20 point positive coverage spread that Obama has received, he should handicap his lead in the election by at least half of that, and throw 10 points McCain's way. Looks like he is going to need it.

While I can understand that when the press actually asks tough questions then the Obama campaign will black list them from future interviews, but is this really freedom of the press?

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