Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Infomercial 1/2 Variety Hour

Mr. Obama says: “We’ve seen over the last eight years how decisions by a president can have a profound effect on the course of history and on American lives; much that’s wrong with our country goes back even farther than that.”

While Obamas plans for American include higher taxes on the wealthy, and more government programs, nither of these ideas are new, and both of these ideas have been done. When spending increases combine with penalties for the wealthiest americans we histirically have moved from recesson to depression. What is wrong with America, is we fail to learn from the past.

He goes on to say: “We’ve been talking about the same problems for decades and nothing is ever done to solve them. For the past 20 months, I’ve traveled the length of this country, and Michelle and I have met so many Americans who are looking for real and lasting change that makes a difference in their lives.”

So to fix all your troubles, Obama is going to squeeze more from an already progressive tax program to provide all your hopes and dreams. The same problems Americans have faced for decades will be solved by one man, and your trusted government. It just wasnt' big enough.. yet.

Thanks Obama!

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