Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ugly Duck

Why is the obvious not objectionable?

"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands."
-- Douglas Adams

Barack Obama has done a great job of running a campaign absent of any substance in regards to Obama himself, his true beliefs, and what he has envisioned for our country. His speeches are full of politically populist rhetoric on lowering taxes for average Americans, and fairness, without any substance or track record of every accomplishing any of these feats.

The politics aside, the most amazing aspect of this campaign remains how he has dodged his past association, even as they continue to stack up and reveal his true motives and philosophic views. His views for government are so far from our nations founding principals, and yet our media, with our so called freedom of the press, fails to illustrate to the electorate who Obama really is, and what he truly believes.

My only conclusion can be that the idea of socialism, and a more powerful government media complex has become a populist idea. The association with radical extremists, terrorist sympathizers, antisemitism, and religious extremists seems to have no effect on the electorate. Had a fraction these associations had been those of a prominent white politician, media would be in a frenzy.

First there was Tony Rezco, then Jeremiah Wright, then Lewis Farrakhan, then William Ayres, then Ralia Odinga Obama, and now, Rashid Khalidi. When will the 50% of Americans the polls show would vote for Obama WAKE UP?

On Rezco, Obama "didn't recall the conversaion" then "did recall", "Bone headed mistake"
On Wright, Obama "He was the Pastor of my church"
On Farrakhan, Obama gave him honorable mention in his book 'Dreams from my father'
On Ayres "He is just a guy in my neighborhood"
On Odinga ? Not comment? Not a word? Nobody asks him? Odinga is socialist, that may be why.
On Khalidi "He is a respected scholar" More of the truth HERE

While inexperience does not seem to sway the elctorate, it appears Obama's qualifcation is not what he is, but what he is NOT...president Bush! While McCains association with Bush is obvious and transparent, they are both Repulicans. Obama has more than a Look and Quack resembeling a socialist extremist, he is an ugly duckling!

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