Friday, November 28, 2008

For the first time I am NOT proud of my country.


deidre said...

I am absolutely not surprised by this at all, sadly. Have you heard this Howard Stern radio clip, that polled voters in Harlem, to see who they were voting for, and then attributed all McCain's policies to Obama. REVEALING...

An Urban Femme said...

Well, I knew all the answers! Why didn't someone poll me? Oh...could it be because the video has a very obvious viewpoint?

12 people is too small a base to make sweeping statements about Obama voters. It's definitely too small a base to extrapolate reliable data.

Sorry, but just because these 12 people were probably motivated to vote for one reason (in my opinion), and (in my opinion) because of the charisma of one person, the video and its creators can't possibly represent all Obama voters.

In fact, from that small a base, the video can't even claim this is the general political knowledge of most or even some voters. There is simply not enough data to make those kinds of assumptions.

I write this not because I feel slighted as an educated voter, but because I was a research analyst for 3 years.

Sorry the creators of this video don't like who was voted into office, but that's not the primary goal of our government. In fact, one usually has only a 50/50 shot at political happiness.

Get over it. People were gearing up for 2012 even before the final votes were counted. At least this gives you something to bitch about for 4 years. ;)