Sunday, November 02, 2008

Obama IS a Voter Fraud

I am not a closed minded conservative, I watch more than just Fox News, I read more than just the National Review, and I have friends (or at least I hope they will remain my friends through this) that are supporting Barack Obama.

Today, while trying to stomach another one of his deceitful speeches. While I could go on about the spin in today's rally speech, but what shocked me the most was his continued push for early voting.

We have had for the most part, elections in this great nation, every 2 years, without fail, with little issue, and with everyone's vote getting counted. Democratic operatives are out talking about voter disenfranchising, and yet Obama, at his speech today, in front of THOUSANDS, recommends they go down the street, and vote early.

Not only is this impractical, it is irresponsible. He said "They are open until 5pm" and went on to say "If your in line before 5, they have to let you vote"

So the volenteers, who love our country enough to come in on a Sunday, to help folks who have to work on Tuesday vote early, will be innodated by a bunch of Obama ralley attendees down the road, that are pumped up by Obama's speech, and want to vote early, not because they have a need to vote early, but because Obama, in his arrogant, self centered quest for power, knows, he will acomplish two goals. Insure votes, while disenfranshising voters who may have already planned on voting Sunday for McCain, but since the lines will be hours long thanks to Obama, they may not get the chance.

This is the kind of leadership, America does NOT need.

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