Friday, November 14, 2008

Wind Turbine Syndrome

It has for years been the oil industry out to get us, and then fears of nuclear melt down, the clean hydroelectric power has now been exempt from 'green' status because it impacts salmon, now wh have Wind Turbine Syndrome to put a stop to the evil wind farm corporations looking to turn a profit while delivering a deadly dose of vertigo to unsuspecting rural residents. When will the suffering and the horror subside.

For every thing that appears to benefit society, some whack job group forms to jeopardize our progress in the name of some minority's self interest. is one of these groups, and you can expect that they will do what they can to drive up the cost of developing this new resource in the name of there lopsided agenda.

1 comment:

Pablo Mac said...

The NIMBY Kennedys contribute to the problem: