Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bank On It

On-Line banking is one of modern day's convienences that I take full advantage of. My better half, however is not so impressed. I am the tight-wad, and I gripe about every penny spent. Always looking to save a buck, from making special trips to several stores to get the best deal, to finding ways to make the things we buy, last longer, no matter how much duct tape and bubble gum it takes. Since we pay most of our bills online, the need for handwritten checks has become obsolete (in my opinion) and I have been in debate with my spouse as to why she still feels the need to write a check when she has a debit card. My question was answered when our bank began offering images of the checks she writes online for review. Now there are no more secrets, as the $80 check #1234 I might have assumed was a bill, was actually written to the beauty salon! I love technology, but not as much as I love my wife, so I best just shut up. As they say: "When Mama's happy, everybodys happy"

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