Saturday, February 04, 2006

Dark Fiber in Google's Diet

The Times Online, reports Google may be working on a strategy to create it's own private internet, or at the least, become it's own internet service provider. Recently Google has made some interesting purchases of "Dark Fiber" or unused fiber optic networks, left incomplete from the dot-com crash in the late 90's, that create speculation that google may be in the early stages of creating it's own nation wide, or even global private internet network providing even more focused audience for it's advertising clients.
With it's per share value now declining after a huge ralley well over double the issue price, Google needs to disclose some of it's prospects if it wants to hold this incredible growth rate. My opinion Google will be like the Ford Motor Company of this century but without all the steel and gas and stuff.

1 comment:

WBbenny said...

Exactly, one could simply look for the google users with the "Safe Search" on strict filtering, or on the otherhand, you could hunt down infidels by who has google set to "Do not filter my search results."