Thursday, April 06, 2006

slugabed \SLUG-uh-bed\ noun

The Word of the Day for April 06 is:
slugabed: a person who stays in bed after the usual or proper time to get up; broadly : sluggard

Example sentence:
Rather than be a slugabed for her entire vacation, Jeanne made it a goal to rise at 6:00 AM and go for a jog every morning.

So my mother sends this to me in my morning email, if she emplies that I fit this definition then I am offended. I always wake up at the proper time, 15 minutes before I need to leave the house. This leaves me 5 minutes for a shower, 5 minutes to shave and apply the apropriate anti-stink products, and 5 minutes to get dressed and kiss the wife goodbye.

The word of the day I have been waiting for is the word to describe the idiots at the drive thru coffee stand who can't make up their minds, or order coffee for the whole frick'n office while I wait in the next car. Or the snail drivers on the freeway who go 5 miles below the speed limit in the fast lane and require everyone to pass on the right. Or how about a word to describe red light effect, where after the coffee slug, and the freeway slug has cost you 10 minutes of commuting time, then every traffic light must turn red for the remainder of the journey!

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