Thursday, May 11, 2006

Congressional Hypocrite Oath

I can't escape the political hypocracy in america today, no matter what side of the isle you stand, your representative more than likely is swinging both ways leaving you and I to make our decision based on the lesser of two evils. While Replicans are screwing us on immigration reform, the Democrats are going to stick us at the gas pump without a lube job.


Stop illegal immigration... but lets give the illegals here free admission, RIGHT, that's like sneaking into the movies, and when caught already in your seat the usher giving you a free ticket and kindly asking you "please don't sneak in again".


Cut the tax incentives for oil exploration because the oil companies make too much profit. RIGHT, and expect them to now LOWER gas prices out of the kindness of there heart while they spend those profits on oil exploration and pay additional leasing fees for the oil rights. Sure that will work!


Since we won't subsidize oil exploration, or allow us to extract our own oil, we are supposed to be energy independent by instead subsidizing ethanol production that actually uses more energy to plant and harvest the crops and refine, than what results from the efforts. (Would you pay more money to go to work than you earn) Oh, and did I mention the environmentalist who support ethanol production also want it produced without pesticides, fertilizer, clearing of land for agriculture, or endangering any gopher habitat.


Ask a liberal: "Should we have removed Sadam in the 1990 gulf war?" Many say YES, Bush Sr. was wrong not to go to Bagdad and finish the job causing the mess we are in today. Ask them if we should have gone to war today, and they say NO, BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED. Ask about Osama Bin Ladin, and that too is a BUSH BLUNDER, but Clinton had 8 years and never persued him, even after the 1st WTC bombing and the attack on the USS Cole.


We must have more spies (Dem talking point), but we must not listen to phone conversations of terrorists if the calls are made in the US... Ok, so it is only ok to listen to terrorists if they are not here yet.. Once they sneak across our open border, and reach US soil, they are protected by our constitution. Sounds like a game of hide and seek, "I call SAFE, I'm on home base!" Oh, and if a terrorist is caught, we must give the invading enemy the same fair trial his victim would have had, but if we don't catch him we go to a funeral while he goes to paradise.

Don't expect your lawmakers to protect your family, keep your gas prices low, and insure our future national language is not spanglish. They are all just grasping for power, so they can keep the campaign dollars flowing. Before you cast a ballot this year, I suggest you make sure your interests are being represented.

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