Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oregon Weather

Oregon has some strange weather. Known for being mild, and also for the rain, this part of the country is always a roll-of-the-dice weather wise. For years Memorial Day weekend was our first camping trip of the season, and 2005 was the last year for that tradition. We got rained out the first two days, only to have a marginally acceptable Sunday afternoon, and retuned to have enough time Monday to clean all the mud off the gear. This year I bagged the idea, and was actually thinking I would regret it, as usually the weather threatens but is never as bad as forcasted. This year, it was worse than forcasted! We got poured on all Friday and Saturday, with some hail to add to the mix (LEFT) Fortuntatly we were not at the campsite but in the comfort of our home. I guess this is just another example of me showing my age. Posted by Picasa

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