Saturday, May 13, 2006

Don't Feed The Animals

Why does the media avoid the obvious solution in the imigration debate? Several outspoken immigration reformers have suggested the obvious solution to the flood of illegial immigrants and yet nobody want's to act. STOP FEEDING THE ANIMALS! If you provide easy means of getting a job, free education, social services, do you ever expect them to stop migrating here?! Aministy failed during the Reagan administration, just as it is doomed to fail to correct this problem today. Our representitives need to take the hard line, and make employers accountable to hire only documented resident aliens or US citizens or pay steep fines. Immigration officials need to ENFORCE our laws that currently exist. No new legislation is required. Excuses abound about how difficult it is to place the burden on our government offices, voter registration officials, and employers to verify the status of applicants when all that needs to be done is to update our SS cards so they cannot be forged. An online verification process can validate each worker, social service recipient, and v0ter to this national database. If the person is not paying taxes, not a legal resident, or a non citizen then they won't be able to benifit by being here and they will leave on there own. HOW HARD CAN THIS BE?! It's not hard, it is just politics as usual. Dems want the latino vote, and republicans want the labor force so again.. TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE. Enforce our laws, or elect someone who will.


WBbenny said...

Wow! Somebody actually reads this stuff. Thanks for the comment, pass this on. Pop a push pin into my Friend Mapper to show me where you are. Link at the top right of my blog.

WBbenny said...

When I wan't cake, I usually get it, and I eat it. If there are only 8 slices of cake left, and there are 10 people in line for the cake, don't get in front of me.