Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Cyber Parenting

Although my family thinks I'm nuts, I have a vision, and I wan't your opinion. Here's the issue: Our kids are often out of control. In the rat race of both parents working, after-school activities, and a busy prime time TV season has left our discipline lacking. The kids don't do there chores, and talk back when reminded. Groundings and revoked privilages have become so commonplace they are no more effective than a UN resolution. What is a parent to do? We started threatening to cancel Christmas gifts when it occured to me.... A discipline blog!

YESSSS! I create a blog, email all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, or whomever can review and keep up on our family dicipline blog to see how things are going. I will start each kid off with 100 points. For each negative post I will assign a certain number of deductions, for each positive point we will add some bonus points. At the end of the year, the resulting number will be the percentage of christmas budget remaining for gifts!

Say child #1 nets a loss of 25 demerits, and he was hoping for a IPod, well shucks I guess the %75 of the IPod buget means they will be getting a real nice AM/FM walkman instead.

Not only can the grandparents and other family members get a real picture of our family life, they can see if the kids really have been bad or good for goodness sake, and as a bonus I get to vent my frustrations so I don't snap and end up on the evening news.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I think YOU have snapped! I think there are serious self-esteem ramifications at risk here.

Reducing a person's internal desire to do right, respect authority and be productive down to an economic function has grave ramifications to future behavior.

Although behavioral modification programs are very effective - they have to be carefully designed. Please consider that punitive measures to extract immediate behavioral results often have negative long-term personality development issues.

At least consult a professional before you actually do this.